Bataan bishop bucks arming of priests

By Ernie Esconde

June 19, 2018, 7:31 pm

BALANGA CITY, Bataan -- The bishop of the diocese of Balanga on Tuesday expressed opposition to the arming of priests following the death of three clerics.

“I am totally against the arming of priests. I will not allow it in my diocese,” said Bishop Ruperto Santos, whose diocese covers parishes in 11 towns and one city in Bataan province.

Santos said that sacrifices and sufferings are part and parcel of being priests.

“It is our calling -- that is to carry the cross and even to be crucified on the cross,” he said.

Santos said that like their Lord and Master Jesus Christ, priests have chosen and committed to follow Him and should never be afraid.

“Jesus gave his life for his sheep and so with the priests. We only do his examples and speak his words, which are true and life-giving. Let us just arm ourselves with Breviary and fidelity to evangelical counsels,” the Bataan bishop said.

Santos chairs the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines’ Episcopal Commission on the Welfare of Migrants and Itinerant People. (PNA)
