25 seniors get walking aids from Kidapawan LGU

By Edwin Fernandez

September 26, 2019, 7:37 pm

<p><strong>MOBILITY DEVICES.</strong> Kidapawan City Mayor Joseph Evangelista pushes the new wheelchair of an elderly person, which the local government gave as part of the assistive devices it extended Thursday (Sept. 26, 2019) to 25 senior citizens. The city government also handed over PHP6,000 each to seven elderly people who missed their social pension during an earlier event. <em>(Photo courtesy of Kidapawan CIO)</em></p>

MOBILITY DEVICES. Kidapawan City Mayor Joseph Evangelista pushes the new wheelchair of an elderly person, which the local government gave as part of the assistive devices it extended Thursday (Sept. 26, 2019) to 25 senior citizens. The city government also handed over PHP6,000 each to seven elderly people who missed their social pension during an earlier event. (Photo courtesy of Kidapawan CIO)

KIDAPAWAN CITY – A total of 25 elderly people from the city’s 40 villages availed of free orthopedic assistive devices from the city government on Thursday.

Mayor Joseph Evangelista handed over the assistive devices to the senior beneficiaries during simple ceremonies held at the City Hall on Thursday morning.

The assistance consisted of four wheelchairs, nine walkers, and seven walking sticks.

“Priorities were given to senior citizens who cannot stand alone or walk alone so they can freely move around inside their homes or when they are out of the house,” Evangelista said.

The distribution of walking aids came as advance gift for senior citizens, who will be celebrating senior citizens’ week in Kidapawan on October 1-7.

Meanwhile, the Kidapawan City social welfare and development office also distributed the PHP6,000 social pension of seven elderly people,  who failed to receive their share during a previous event. (PNA)
