Zambo City gov’t warns resorts operating sans biz permit

By Teofilo Garcia, Jr.

December 26, 2020, 12:52 pm

ZAMBOANGA CITY – The city government on Saturday warned that tourism-oriented establishments operating without business permits are liable under the law for violating the city ordinance.

City tourism officer, Sarita Sebastian-Hernandez, issued the warning after receiving reports that tourism-oriented establishments, specifically resorts in remote barangays, have opened for business without the required documents and permits to operate.

The operation of unlicensed tourism-oriented establishments was also discovered through photos posted on social media pages by hikers or organizations of motorcycle and bicycle riders.

Hernandez reminded establishment owners that they cannot accept clients if they do not have business permits.

“Do not accept or accommodate clients if you still don’t have business permits. Remember, you are violating our ordinance,” she said, adding that they are also liable under the law should anything happen to clients in their establishments.

Hernandez appealed for compliance from tourism-oriented establishments, noting that the City Tourism Office could provide assistance and guidance on the process. (PNA)

