Over 1.5K vacancies up in Ilocos on Labor Day online jobs fair

By Leilanie Adriano

April 30, 2021, 7:59 pm

<p><strong>ONLINE JOBS FAIR.</strong>  Over 1,500 vacancies in Ilocos Region are available in an online jobs fair on May 1-2, 2021. Participated by local and overseas companies, top occupations needed in the province include call center agents, healthcare professionals, delivery porters, contact tracers, and factory workers, among others. (<em>Image courtesy of Dole Ilocos Region</em>)  </p>

ONLINE JOBS FAIR.  Over 1,500 vacancies in Ilocos Region are available in an online jobs fair on May 1-2, 2021. Participated by local and overseas companies, top occupations needed in the province include call center agents, healthcare professionals, delivery porters, contact tracers, and factory workers, among others. (Image courtesy of Dole Ilocos Region)  

LAOAG CITY – Over 1,500 vacancies are up for grabs in a virtual jobs fair on Saturday until May 2, as part of the Labor Day celebration in the Ilocos Region.

In a public announcement, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE in Ilocos Region said Friday the Labor Day Jobs Fair will be thru online this year for the safety of the public.

Participated by local and overseas companies, top occupations needed in the province include call center agents, healthcare professionals, delivery porters, contact tracers, and factory workers, among others.

“There are thousands of jobs offering so we are calling on job applicants to register and apply online,” said Anne Marie Lizette B. Atuan, manager of the Provincial Employment Service Office (PESO), on Friday.

A government one-stop-shop online service will also be available to assist job applicants with whatever concerns they may have.

Among the participating agencies which will be available through live chats are the following: Overseas Workers Welfare Administration, Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, Social Security System, Home Development Mutual Fund, Civil Service Commission, Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, Professional Regulation Commission and the Department of Trade and Industry.

Interested applicants may register now by clicking this link: bit.ly/wb-dole1-reg.

In Region 1, data from DOLE showed that there are 44,125 job openings composed of 36,951 local jobs from 530 participating employers and 7,174 overseas jobs from 48 employers. (PNA


