Davao City gov’t readies measures vs. monkeypox

By Che Palicte

June 3, 2022, 8:35 pm

DAVAO CITY – The Davao City Covid-19 Task Force is readying the local government unit's (LGU) response to the possible spread of the monkeypox virus here, an official said Friday.

Dr. Michelle Schlosser, the city’s Covid-19 task force spokesperson, said the LGU is looking at using Covid-19 Cluster Clinics (CCCs) in handling monkeypox cases when such occurrence takes place in communities.

In a statement, Schlosser said the CCCs have been established by the city government not only for Covid-19 but also for other emerging and re-emerging diseases like monkeypox.

Although the cases are rarely seen outside Central and West Africa, Schlosser urged the public not to be complacent as it could enter the country.

“Our Covid-19 CCCs will also be handling this one. Fortunately, we do not have a case here,” Schlosser said.

Based on the discussion with the Department of Health (DOH), she said monkeypox, like Covid-19, can be transmitted through respiratory droplets.

Apart from droplets, it can also be transmitted through an open wound, body fluids, and physical body contact including sexual transmission.

“The incubation period for this is from five to 21 days. The first symptoms are fever, and swelling of lymph nodes. Some of the patients with monkeypox also manifest headache, chills, sore throat, and fatigue,” Schlosser said.

Meanwhile, the DOH assured it is ready to handle monkeypox cases.

The DOH said it would implement the four-door strategy--the framework of the National Emergency Operational Response Plan to prevent and control emerging infectious diseases--to prevent the entry of monkeypox into the country.

The strategy involves the “Prevent, Detect, Isolate, Treat, and Reintegrate” approach. (PNA)
