Pope to young people: Win climate battle

<p>Pope Francis <em>(File photo)</em></p>

Pope Francis (File photo)

ROME – Pope Francis believed the young people could make world leaders tackle the climate crisis when he met students at Lisbon's Universidade Catòlica Portuguesa during the second day of his Apostolic Journey to Portugal for World Youth Day 2023.

"We must recognize the dramatic urgency of caring for the common home," the Argentine pontiff said Thursday.

"Do not forget happy mediums are only a small delay in the disaster. Instead, it is a matter of taking on what unfortunately continues to be postponed: the need to redefine what we call progress and evolution.

The pope made the call believing that progress has brought so much regress.

"Because, in the name of progress, there has been too much regression.

"Study well what I am telling you: in the name of progress, too much regress has been made. You are the generation that can win this challenge.”

"You have the most advanced scientific and technological instruments.

"But please don't fall into the trap of having partial visions". (ANSA)
