Saints' relics cannot be used as amulet: prelate

By Ferdinand Patinio

June 13, 2018, 7:06 pm

<p>A relic of St. Augustine of Hippo. <em>(Photocourtesy:</em></p>

A relic of St. Augustine of Hippo. (Photocourtesy:

MANILA -- A Catholic priest warned the public that relics of saints cannot be used as “anting-anting” (amulet).

Rev. Fr. Dionisio Selma, Prior Superior of the Order of Augustinian Recoletos issued the warning after receiving reports that fake relics are being sold to the public particularly relics of St. Augustine of Hippo.

“The relics are a means to which God acts. They are the cause of healing, they are instruments of God. But they are not ‘anting-anting’ and they are not magic,” he said in an interview over Church-run Radyo Veritas on Tuesday.

“In order to be authentic there must be proper documentation since there are false relics that are being proliferated and it can be dangerous as it can be used for selling,” the priest added.

The bone relic recently visited several churches in Manila from June 5 to 8. It was opened for public veneration. It was brought all the way from Rome, Italy.

St. Augustine was ordained as priest in the year 391 and became bishop four years after. He died in Hippo Regius (now Algeria) at the age of 75 in the year 430 AD.

His remains are now kept at the Church of San Pietro in CielD’oro Pavia, Italy. (PNA)
